Monday, January 30, 2012

Great Week to CVS

To prove how easy it is to coupon sometimes me tell you about my savings at CVS this week. I will beforehand let you know I bought 3 papers knowing that I was stocking up this week.

I got everything for 12.35 after tax which I think is fabulous but on top of that there was a rebate for $5 in yesterday's paper. So yup everything for 7.35.

Transaction 1:

I had a $5 off $30 purchase on my CVS card when I checked online. AND had $10 giftcard from last week. 

6 lady speed sticks @ 1.99
6 Ragu pasta sauce @ 3 for $5
3 Diet Mt. Dew @ 3 for $10

-3 cpns $.75/2 ragus, yesterday's redplum
-3 BOGO Speed stick, yesterday's smart source= -5.97
-5 off 30 cpn
-10 cvs cash from last week

Grand total $8.97 & get back 6, 4, 3 ECBS = $13 ECBs back & $5 rebate from yesterday's smart source.

Transaction 2:
2 pretzle MMs @ $2.50 each
3 american greeting cards @ $.99 each
1 cadbury creme egg @ $.87

-$2 pretzle mms cpns from I think those should still be there. I printed them this morning.
-$6 ECBs from my last transaction
=$1.55 & get back 1 ECB for MMs, 3 ECB for greeting cards, .87 ECB for cadbury, @ I got $1 for my green bag tag

So, I started with $10 giftcard. Spent 12. 35 out of pocket. Have a $5 rebate. Ended with 12.87 ECBs. So, after my rebate and my increase in ECBs I actually spent $4.48. YAY!

Great Week at CVS for me. And I know everything we bought we will use.